This scenery is freeware, I don't make money on it and neither should you.

Unzip the file and copy the Texas Industries folder to your FS Addon Scenery folder,
Then copy the contents of the texture folder to your main fs texture folder.
Then copy the contents of the effects folder to your main fs effects folder.
Then open flight sim and go
to settings then click on add area, then open your addon scenery folder and click on the
scenery folder you want to install. Then exit flight sim and rebuild your fs navigator
if you are using it.
To get to the refinery type Texas Industries for the name or type KTX1 for the ID

Texas Industries is a refinery and power plant in Port o'conner Texas. It features offshore
drilling, a nuclear powerplant, a refinery, tanker ship docking with smoke and wake effects
and alot more.

Special thanks to many talented people.

Lee Swordy for Afcad 2.21
Matthias Bruckner for FS Effects
Derek Keung for FSSC
Seev Kahn and Israel Roth for RWY12 and some of the objects used.
Marcus Paul
David " Opa " Marshall
Andrej Urosevic

If you see any problems with the scenery, please email me:
Thank you and enjoy...
God Bless...